We went a bit quiet (blog-wise) here at McMurdoston towards the end of the year, but only because we’ve been very busy. In August the B and B was full for most of the month and things really didn’t calm down until December. Meanwhile, the cottages are nearing completion, following which we will take photos and add a new page to this website with all the details and prices. Watch this space…
Autumn was lovely and continued to provide huge amounts of bounty from the hedgerows. However, strong wind resulted in all the apples falling during one extremely rough night, so I had some manic weeks making jellies and jams. I have stored a good many again this year after the success of last, so hope to be making preserves right into the Spring. I’ve also had some practice skinning pheasants (much easier than plucking and less messy), thanks to the seasonal shoot ending up in our garden on a regular basis and the kindness of a local land-owner. My only problem is that I find the feathers far too attractive to throw away, and am devising some rather macabre birthday cards to send to my nearest and dearest.
The red squirrels continue to entertain us (Steve saw 4 this morning in the oak tree outside the cottages) and two ravens cronked overhead yesterday on their way from the woods behind the house. The local gamekeeper has confirmed that there are ring ouzels up the hill again, though I have yet to see one for myself this year. An elegant fallow deer led me down the drive on the morning of 31st December – a lovely sight but one which made me feel a little less comfortable about the joint of venison I was marinating with which to see in the New Year…!