Scary beastie


My blogging has been quiet recently due to a lull in activity all round – it’s that funny time of year when the weather controls things for the most part and the short daylight hours give lots of excuses to sit in front of the fire, contemplating life…

So far as wildlife is concerned we have been happy to discover a local murmuration of about a thousand starlings – always a hypnotic treat. We’ve also had success with our camera traps, in that we now have evidence that the red squirrels seem to move deeper into the woods over Winter. I’ve got footage of two chasing each other around a tree, which gives hope of more kits to come, and a couple of clips which seem to suggest jays and red squirrels really do not get on at all – too much competition for nuts I suppose. The roe deer seem totally unfazed by cameras strung round trees and the badgers are just much more interested in trying to demolish and empty the feed boxes with which we attempt to attract creatures of all sorts.

Anyone who looks at our Facebook page will already have seen this, but if you haven’t, perhaps you might like to take a look at some rather mysterious footage I got a week ago or so behind the house and put on Youtube: . 

Let me know if you have any suggestions as to what the ‘Scary Beastie’ might really be!